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Student protest against draft intelligence law ends in clash

Liputan 6 - June 23, 2011

Iwan Taruna, Makassar – A protest action by hundreds of students rejecting the Draft Intelligence and State Secrecy Law (RUU Intelijen) at the South Sulawesi Regional House of Representatives (DPRD) building on Thursday June 23 ended in a clash.

The incident occurred when the students tried to force their way into the building to meet with assembly members but were blocked by DPRD security personnel. A clash also took place outside the building but the two groups were able to constrain themselves and the incident did not continue for long.

In speeches meanwhile, the students said they rejected the draft intelligence law because it will give security forces the right to conduct arrests, which has the potential to violate human rights. (BJK/ADO)

[Translated by James Balowski.]

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