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Workers in Purwokerto commemorate May Day with 'sleep in'

Media Indonesia - May 1, 2011

Liliek Dharmawan, Purwokerto – At least 150 people from the People's Struggle Front (FPR) held a demonstration to commemorate International Labour day at the Purwokerto town square in Central Java on Sunday.

During the action, the protesters even held a "sleep in" action on Jl. Jenderal Soedirman in front of the square in which 10 activists threw themselves down on the hot asphalt while the other demonstrators shouted their support for the workers' demands. As a result police were forced to redirect traffic passing by the square.

In a speech action coordinator Widi said that the workers are demanding wages in line with a reasonable living standard. "We also call for the abolition of contract work systems, protection for migrant workers and the annulment of laws that smack of neoliberalism", asserted Widi.

The action, which was also supported by a number of student organisations and NGOs, began at around 10am and was closely guarded by police. The demonstration action was ended with the release of balloons into the air. (OL-12)

[Abridged translation by James Balowski.]

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