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Workers in Sukabumi say they have no time to perform ritual prayers

Pikiran Rakyat - May 1, 2011

Sukabumi (PRLM) – Hundreds of workers from the Sukabumi regency National Trade Union (SPN) in West Java commemorated International May day at the Sukabumi regional government offices.

Arriving on motorbikes, the workers then forced their way into the government office grounds. In anticipation of the workers' arrival, the Sukabumi city police and military personal were on alert and prevented the workers from entering main audience hall.

"In addition to concerns over welfare and healthcare workers are to this day still being neglected. We are asking for workers to be given enough time to pray. Because for almost all of them, the opportunities to pray are very limited. We find it difficult to perform our ritual prayers five times a day", said Hera Iskandar, the chairperson of the Sukabumi SPN regional leadership board. (A-162/A-120)

[Abridged translation by James Balowski.]

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