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Five protests to colour Jakarta today, watch out for traffic jams

Detik.com - November 6, 2008

E. Mei Amelia R, Jakarta – Five protest actins will be held today in various parts of Central and South Jakarta. Those passing through these areas should be on guard for traffic jams.

“We don’t yet know the total number of protesters, but we ask [the public] to be on the look out for traffic jams”, said Briptu Heri from the Metro Jaya regional police Traffic Management Centre when contacted by Detik.com on Thursday November 6.

The first demonstration will be held at 10am in front of the Department of Labour and Transmigration and is being organised by the Workers Challenge Alliance (ABM) and the Jakarta Legal Aid Foundation.

At the same time, the Solidarity Forum for North Sumatra will also be holding a protest action in the vicinity of the Hotel Indonesia roundabout.

Also at 10am, Bureaucracy Supervisory Social Movement (GMPB) will be demonstrating front of the Vietnamese Embassy on Jl. Teuku Umar.

A protest will also be held by the Friends of Falun Gong Indonesia in front of the Chinese Embassy in the Mega Kuningan area of South Jakarta.

Finally, a protest action will be held in front of the State Palace on Jl. Medan Merdeka Utara by the Solidarity Network for the Families of Victims of Human Rights Violations (JSKKP-HAM). (mei/nwk)

[Translated by James Balowski.]

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