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Indonesian rights groups urge CTF to publish report

Kompas - June 16, 2008

Jakarta – Human rights organisations the Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (Kontras), the Human Rights Working Group (HRWG) and Indonesian Human Rights Watch (Imparsial) have called on the Indonesia-East Timor Commission of Truth and Friendship (CTF) to immediately hand over the results of its work and those that the institution found liable for prosecution to the presidents of Indonesia and East Timor.

This was conveyed by Kontras coordinator Usman Hamid and activists from HRWG and Imparsial in a press release issued at the Kontras office on Jl.
Borobudur in Central Jakarta on Monday June 16.

According to Hamid, the delays in delivering the report to the presidents of both countries could be used by certain parties in an unjustifiable manner to append to or abridge the report. In addition to this, Hamid is also urging the president to follow up the report by submitting it to the parliaments of both countries and publishing it.

“After which both presidents can immediately take legal action by ordering the Attorney General to forward the findings of humanitarian crimes that took place to the human rights court”, said Hamid.

Hamid also said that the CTF had used funds from the two countries amounting to US$4.5 million and must immediately produce an accountable financial report. In East Timor, it is hoped that the CTF report will be able to contribute to the full resolution of gross human rights violations as recommended by the 27 session of the United Nations Commission Against Torture on May 16. (C6-08)

[Translated by James Balowski.]

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