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There have been no rights violations under Yudhoyono's watch: Minister
Detik News - December 12, 2011
"What is clear is that there is a genuine and serious will to find a solution to all [past violations]. But the key thing I need to convey is that during the era of our current president's leadership there have been no human rights violations", said Syamsuddin after attending a National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) workshop at the vice president's office on Jl. Medan Merdeka Selatan in Central Jakarta on Saturday December 12.
According to Syamsuddin the government is in the process of finding a formulation and model to resolve outstanding past human rights violation and their prevention.
"What exists no is looking at the numbers that aren’t too massive, also doing it out through personal approaches. This has already been conveyed but the means has indeed not been publicised", he said. "Be sure that before 2014, there will be good news for us all with regard to the efforts that are being made by the government, we are resolving them", he continued.
Syamsuddin was reluctant to be pinned down on providing justice to victims of past human rights violations.
"We want to take care of them although one by one but still paying attention to the principle that we are offering something as remuneration for those whose rights have been taken away. But the concrete form is up to God's will, soon we will publicise it", he explained. (aan/gah)
[Menkum HAM: Di Era Kepempimpinan SBY Tidak Ada Pelanggaran HAM - detikNews. Sabtu, 10/12/2011. Translated by James Balowski.]
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