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Police blockade prevents Makassar workers from occupying airport
Detik.com - May 1, 2011
Prior to dispersing, the protesters from the Indonesian People's Opposition Front (FORI) were involved in a scuffle with police when they tried to force their way through the blockade.
"We wanted the demonstrating workers to occupy the airport, because the airport is a vital state object and we wanted our demands to be heard, because we were tired of [demonstrating at the] Regional House of Representatives and the governor's office. Our voices were not being heard there", said FORI field coordinator Muchtar Guntur in a speech in front of the police blockade.
After failing to break through the blockade the workers disbursed with Guntur pledging that they would return at a later time. Other workers meanwhile held an action at Makassar industrial Zone. (mna/gun)
[Slightly abridged translation by James Balowski.]
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