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Trade union calls on workers to abandon political elite, establish new party

Kompas.com - April 25, 2013

Suhartono, Jakarta – The Labour Secretariat (Sekber Buruh) in Jakarta and the satellite cities of Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi is calling on the thousands of workers planning to hold actions on May Day to establish a people's party, that is truly of the people and for the people themselves.

"It's time for workers to abandon the current elite [political] parties that are established for their own interests, namely a handful of the elite", said Sekber Buruh Greater Jakarta activist Budi Wardoyo in Jakarta on Thursday April 25.

According to Wardoyo, ordinary Indonesians must establish their own political party that is not controlled by a handful of the elite and only for the interest of the elite, but for the interests of the ordinary people instead. "We are calling on all workers to jointly mobilise and abandon the elite parties", said Wardoyo.

Related to the commemoration of Labour Day on May 1, Sekber Buruh is also inviting workers to besiege the General Elections Commission (KPU) and the State Palace to call on the government and the KPU to hold legitimate and honest general elections so that a people's party can take part in the elections unhindered.

"We will also hold a convoy of 500 motorcycles that will travel around Jakarta distributing leaflets and putting up banners at various key points in the city stating that the workers' struggle for prosperity is not yet finished", said Wardoyo.

[Momentum Buruh, Sekber Ajak Dirikan Partai Rakyat - Kompas.com. Kamis, 25 April 2013. Translated by James Balowski for the Indoleft news service.]

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