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Protesters in Yogyakarta demand justice for Kopassus prison killings

KRYogya.com - April 23, 2013

Tomi Sujatmiko, Sleman – Demonstrators from the Indonesian People's Committee for Justice (KRIUK) held a protest action at the Yogyakarta regional police headquarters (Mapolda) on Tuesday April 23 demanding a resolution to cases of human rights violations, including the attack on the Cebongan prison exactly one month ago.

"The momentum in commemorating one month since the bloody Cebongan tragedy should be an impetus to reflect upon and at the same time an awakening for the people's movement to demand accountability from the state", said action coordinator Erlangga in a speech.

According to Erlangga, the Cebongan tragedy did irreparable damage to the law and disrupted [the public's] sense of security. Bearing in mind that a prison, which is supposed to provide security for detainees, became the target of a fatal attack by rogue members of the army's Special Forces Kopassus.

However, continued Erlangga, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has instead being making misleading statements on the issue saying that the 11 rogue Kopassus members are knights or protector of the people because they confessed to their actions.

Despite heavy rain that drenched the protesters halfway through the action – which was closely watched over by police – they continued giving speeches. The demonstrators disbanded after reading out a statement. (Ayu)

[KRIUK Tuntut Penyelesaian Tragedi Lapas Cebongan - KRjogja.com. Selasa, 23 April 2013. Translated by James Balowski for the Indoleft news service.]

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