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Prabowo: Ending direct elections a victory for Pancasila

Tribune News - September 26, 2014

Dany Permana, Jakarta – Greater Indonesia Movement Party (Gerindra) board of patrons chairperson Prabowo Subianto says he is grateful that the mechanism for electing regional heads through Regional Legislative Councils (DPRD) has become a reality.

According to Prabowo, what has been struggled for by Red and White Coalition political party leaders in the parliament represents an achievement. "I'm grateful, this is an achievement for us in securing our democracy", said Prabowo at the Sultan Hotel in Central Jakarta on Friday September 26.

Prabowo, a former army Special Forces (Kopassus) commander, said that up until down Indonesia has held regional elections (pilkada) in which regional heads are elected directly as if it was democratic. But in reality, according to Prabowo, direct elections destroy the principles of the Indonesian nation.

"(Direct elections) destroy the morals and mentality of the Indonesian nation. What takes place is the buying and selling of votes", he said.

Direct elections also provide an opportunity for foreign forces to infiltrate Indonesia's political life. He gave the example of how a candidate was funded by foreign interests who gave out money and basic commodities [to buy votes]. (Regional elections through the DPRD) are a victory for [the state ideology of] Pancasila", he asserted.

Prabowo admitted that he followed the deliberations ending in the enactment of the regional election law (UU Pilkada) at the House of Representatives (DPR) the night before. According to Prabowo, he watched the plenary meeting that continued into the night on television.

Prabowo said he salutes the DPR members from the Red and White Coalition that persisted in struggling for regional elections through the mechanism of the DPRD. He conceded to feeling anxious witnessing the course of the meeting but was proud of the result.

"It was quite tense and made me quite proud. I, on behalf of myself and the Gerindra greater community express a salute and the highest respect to the leaders of the Red and White Coalition in the parliament", he said.

[Translated by James Balowski for the Indoleft News Service.]

Source: http://www.tribunnews.com/nasional/2014/09/26/pilkada-via-dprd-prabowo-ini-kemenangan-pancasila.

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