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US pacifists urge Washington to compensate Agent Orange Victims
Prensa Latina - January 23, 2013
This statement was made by Merle Ratner, coordinator of the Campaign for Help and Justice for Vietnamese victims of the dioxin and Bishop Thomas Gumbleton during a friendly meeting in Ho Chi Minh.
The visitors toured the Tu Du maternity center, which hosts children with birth defects because of the toxic substance, the tunnels of Cu Chi used by the national resistance, and an institution specializing in Phuoc Thien serving disabled infants.
In South Vietnam alone, the US Air Force dumped about 80 million gallons of herbicide containing 400 kilograms of dioxin, also known as Agent Orange, one of the most aggressive known chemicals.
Da Nang Airport, serving in that time as a US military base, stockpiled huge amounts of the defoliant, with serious polluting consequences still remaining for new generations.
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