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Joint statement by the Civil Society Coalition for the Victims of the Earthquake and Tsunami

Jakarta - December 28, 2004

Jakarta -- Tectonic earthquake followed by tsunami that swept through Aceh and North Sumatra is the greatest disaster hit Indonesia for the last decade. Recently, Aceh is still in paralyzed condition. The electricity and telephones break down caused difficulty to access information to the impacted areas. According to the latest information, the death toll is 4,712 and that will likely increase, since the following quake predicted happens in the recent period, moreover the threat of diseases after the disaster. This catastrophe is a National disaster, which involved millions people’s life suffered due to lack of facilities to survive.

With regard to the National Calamity and on behalf of humanism, we, the Civil Society Coalition for the Victims of Earthquake and Tsunami or Koalisi Masyarakat Sipil untuk Korban Gempa dan Tsunami, want to express our deepest condolences and sympathy for the victims of the calamity. As our solidarity and support for them, we, the Civil Society Coalition for the victims of The Earthquake and tsunami in Aceh and North Sumatra, hold a consolidation to intervene direct and immediate aid, in short and long term period, in the form of:

a. Conducting direct field surveys to assess the exact condition and needs; to open crisis center that can be accessed by many organizations and institutions and persons who want to give donation such as: kafan material ‹material used to cover dead body›, funds, medicines, clothes and other stuff needed; to guarantee the aid’s effectiveness and coordination, and that the aid truly delivered for those who needs.

Our crisis center is pooled in Medan, North Sumatera:

ED WALHI Sumatera Utara
Jl. Air Bersih No.79 Medan, Sumatera Utara
Contact person: Herwin Nasution; mobile: 0811657517
Office phone: 061-7869061/77804071. Fax: 061-7869061
Email: walhisu@indosat.net.id
Donation to : Account number 006.0015.9697.001
Bank BNI Cabang Jl. Pemuda Medan
An. Wahana Lingkungan Hidup Sumatera Utara

Our crisis center in Jakarta, opened in three locations:

Eksekutif Nasional WALHI
Jl. Tegal Parang Utara No.14
Mampang Prapatan Jakarta Selatan
79193363, 08159448017, 08154036028
Donation to: Account Number 039.01.01825.009,
Bank Niaga KCP. Jakarta Design Centre/ JDC
An. Wahana Lingkungan Hidup Indonesia (KESLING)

Jl. Borubudur No 14 Menteng Jakarta pusat
Contact: mobiles: 0811812149, 08129437339
Donation to: Account number 2-072-267-196,
Bank BII Cabang Proklamasi
An. Kontras

Aceh kita
Jl. Bojonegoro No 16 Menteng Jakarta Pusat
contact: mobiles: 081511222551, 0818944726
Donation to : Account number 0206-01-017649-50-8,
Bank BRI KCK Sudirman Jakarta
An.Teuku Zulkarnaen dan Ahmad Mauladi

Aceh Working Group (AWG)
Jl. Diponegoro No.9 Menteng Jakarta Pusat
Contact: mobile: 0811177982

b. Providing support on Government initiative to open access as wide as possible to every kind of support to the victims.

c. Urging government to inform public complete information on accessible crisis centers, and to ensure all logistic support and humanitarian aid channeled by government, distributed well to victims.

d. Calling for public to be a watchdog for government logistic supplies and humanitarian aid in order that all support will reach and be benefited by the victims. This is important, with regard to the repeated corruption cases of humanitarian aid due to misconduct of government officials.

e. Ensuring that a recovery system and rescue operation for devastated areas will be planed well, supported by sufficient resources and managed transparently and accountably.

The crisis center will coordinate with local organizations in regions, e.g: Dompet Dhuafa. All information will be given through WALHI’s website www.walhi.or.id

Our joint statement serves also as a call for all stakeholders to build solidarity and to share for Acehnese and North–Sumatran, victims of Earthquake and Tsunami.

Telephone: (021) 7941472
Faximile: (021) 7941673
e-mail: info@walhi.or.id
website: www.walhi.or.id

Civil Society Coalition for the Victims of the Earthquake and Tsunami: The Indonesian Forum for Environment (Walhi), Aceh Kita, the Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (Kontras), Aceh Working Group.

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